Continuous location prompts render this app unusable. All of its useful features (eg, world map, notification widget, etc.) are being held for the ransom of access to my phones location services. This even after adding my ZIP code. Terrible bug and worse support by a development team in which I had placed a great deal of faith.
EDIT: App no longer requires location services for normal use, but still requires location services to function in the iOS notification center. Otherwise, expect the "cannot determine your location" message instead of weather information. So, I still have to rely upon another weather app (that does not require location services) for iOS notification center forecasting. I find it hard to recommend the app until this functionality is added. Manual location entry should enable full functionality without limitation. Other developers have figured out how to accomplish the feat.
EDIT: Added a fourth star, as the notification widget now works without location services enabled...sometimes. And lately many of my forecasts have been wildly inaccurate.
v5.1.4—This is definitely progress. It would be nice if locations were not modified between use for those of us who choose to set them manually (eg, "city, state, zip" becomes "city, state"). I would also like to see the widget provide data without location services enabled. Weather Underground provides users with the option to view the last location viewed in the app in the notification center. Shouldnt be too hard to implement here. Lets try to learn from the best, devs.
downgrad3r about Dark Sky Weather, v5.1.4